Parkway Studentz, the youth ministry of Parkway Baptist Church, is for students who are in 6th-12th grade. We want to partner with parents as they spiritually disciple their students on a day-to-day basis (Deut. 6:4-9). We exist to teach and show students how they can Live Love. We want students to completely Love God, compassionately Love Others, confidently Live the Mission (Matthew 22:37-40; 28:18-20).

We accomplish this in a variety of ways. We have various ministry opportunities for students to be a part of throughout the year. Through these opportunities we strive to:

REACH students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, while helping them
GROW in their faith,
EQUIP students in service and ministry, and
SEND them out to change their world with the life-changing good news of Jesus.

Connect with Us



Studentz MDWK (Mid-week) is a weekly discipleship opportunity for students that provides connection through games and activities, and Bible study through a large group teaching time followed by grade-based small group discussion!  
WEDNESDAYS, 6:00pm at the Hanger

The Gathering

The Gathering occurs once a month to connect students in fellowship through student-led worship, fun games and activities, and a large group devotional, often featuring guest speakers. 
3rd SUNDAYS, 5:00-6:30 pm, 
Locations can vary.

Other Opportunities

There are many other opportunities for students to learn and grow throughout the year. Events include:

LiveLove - Spring Missions Emphasis,
M-Fuge - Missional Summer Camp,
Camp Willow Run - Fall Retreat,
and more!


We value you and the position that God has given you in spiritually discipling your teenager. As a student ministry, we are here to partner with you in discipling your student. We offer several programs and activities for your student to know Christ as their Lord and Savior, grow to love Him and His Word, and share His story of redemption daily. The Parkway Studentz Ministry is here as a reinforcing resource to what God is already doing through your family and the life of your student. We want to be more strategic in growing this partnership in a variety of ways. 


Please pray for our ministry. Everything we do is purposeful in reaching, growing, equipping, and sending students in Jesusʼ name. Pray for God to move and stir in the lives of students during the purposeful opportunities that we offer for students to be involved in. Prayer is foundational to all that we do and we need you praying for us and our students.


A few times a year we will be having targeted training and discussion times for parents. This will not be your typical “parent meeting.” We are calling these “Parent Sessions.” This will be a great time of training and connecting for parents and we are excited to see what God does through these sessions. Be on the lookout for more info about these!


One of the biggest ways you can partner with us is by serving with us! Statistics show us that if a student does not have at least 3-5 significant adult relationships (outside of their parents and student pastor) by the time they graduate high school, it is more likely that they will stop being involved with a local church once they graduate. Students crave significant adult relationships in their lives and by serving with us, God can use you in a mighty way to transform a studentʼs life.


Sharing your contact information allows us to communicate important ministry updates with you as we partner together, including parent resources, calendar updates, event cancellations, and more. 

Upcoming events
