
WHY Membership?
  • The church is God’s idea.
  • Jesus Christ loves the church.
  • God wants us to be part of a local church.
  • We experience God’s work in and through us.

It’s biblical.
The Bible does not speak specifically about church membership, but several texts indicate the church knew who its members were.

  • Those who followed Jesus and were baptized identified themselves with the church. (Acts 2:41)
  • Scriptures that address a pastor’s responsibilities imply a recognized congregation. (e.g., 1 Tim. 3:5, Heb. 13:17)
  • Scriptures that speak of church discipline suggest some type of formal list or association with a particular church.  (e.g., Matt. 18:15-17, 1 Cor. 5:11-13)
  • Members of the church are expected to gather together. (Heb. 10:25)

It’s beneficial
Church membership is a believer’s public commitment to work alongside a particular group of believers. With membership comes a church family, pastoral oversight and care, and ministry/service opportunities. Regular attendees can, of course, receive these benefits, but membership is a stronger commitment to serve God alongside other believers.

It’s body life
Members of God’s local body share life together. It is our hope and prayer that fellow church members genuinely become family to us. They teach us and pray for us. They hold us accountable to holy living. No other organization helps us to live with such an eternal perspective.


We are glad God brought you to us! We pray this is your church home until Jesus returns or He calls you home. However, we know that God calls out missionaries, church planters, and families to new jobs and new cities. Our desire is to equip you to be sent back into the world. Should God call you to a different city, our hope is that you would ask the same questions of the church you might join or start that you would ask of Parkway! Here are the questions we hope you ask of us and any church you would join:

Ten Questions that Should Guide Us in Choosing a Church

  1. Is this a church where God’s Word is preached & taught faithfully?
  2. Is this a church where sound doctrine is important and central?
  3. Is this a church where the gospel is proclaimed regularly and with clarity? 
  4. Is this a church committed to reaching the unsaved with the Gospel? 
  5. Is this a church with humble and honorable leaders? 
  6. Is this a church of people endeavoring to daily live by God’s Word? 
  7. Is this a church in which I can form and develop in Godly relationships? 
  8. Is this a church where members and attenders are called upon to serve? 
  9. Is this a church that is willing to exercise healthy church discipline? 
  10. Am I willing to join this church “as is,” with zeal and faith in God?

Adapted from Joshua Harris: Why Church Matters


At Parkway, anyone is welcome to worship at any time, but we value church membership and believe the Bible advocates for believers to become part of a local body (Acts 2:41, Hebrews 10:25). Below are the steps to joining the body at Parkway.

  • Hear, believe, confess, and articulate the gospel of Jesus Christ (Be saved!)
  • Be Baptized (or plan to be Baptized*)
  • Attend a Membership Class*
  • Make your intention known by coming forward during the invitation portion of one of our worship services*
  • Receive an in-home visit from our Pastoral Support Team

*These steps do not have to be taken in successive order.