For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.
2 Corinthians 8:9
Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Parkway has transitioned to a new giving platform called Subsplash that will make giving easier and more convenient while also reducing costs, allowing us to further our mission of walking with Christ, inviting others, and serving together to reach our neighbors and the nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
For the best experience, create a Subsplash giving account to establish recurring gifts, save your bank account or payment methods, and view and manage your giving at any time. To create an account, simply start your gift below and click "Continue."
- Sunday Morning Tithes & Offerings - Place your gifts in the secure, hanging black boxes located at any door in the rear of the sanctuary or in the lobby.
- Tithes & Offerings Online** - Use the GIVE NOW form above.
- Tithes & Offerings (Recurring Donations)** - Use the GIVE NOW and set up an account to make your gift recurring.
- Or contact your bank to establish a recurring gift.
- By Mail - If you are unable to make your donation in person, you can mail your check directly to: Parkway Baptist Church,
8508 Beaver Bridge Rd, Moseley, VA 23120. - By Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, or Qualified Charitable Distributions - Learn More
**Create an account for additional features. Using the "Give Now" form, click the “SIGN-IN” tab (under "Give Now") to set up and/or log in to your personalized giving account. (New account creation is at the bottom). Once your account is set up, you can:
- Set up or manage a recurring gift, including payment methods, amounts, or frequencies.
- View your giving history and access your giving statements.
- Save your payment information for easy event registration.
Harvest Tithe
At Parkway, we follow the Biblical teaching to give tithes (Malachi 3:10; Deuteronomy 14:22–26) and offerings (Deuteronomy 12:5–6; Luke 21:1–4) to the Lord for the harvest of souls.
The Harvest Tithe is something we give every week. When we give our Harvest Tithe we send laborers to reach the nearest harvest field. When we give the Harvest Tithe we are sending and going to our neighbors in Chesterfield, Powhatan, Richmond, and Amelia. Parkway also tithes ten percent from our Harvest Tithe to the SBC Cooperative Program to support church planting and missionary sending all over the world. We know we are not alone in the harvest.
- $10 is given to the Cooperative Program through the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia (SBCV). $4.90 goes to mission work in Virginia (Disaster Relief, State Missionaries, & Church Planting through the SBCV); $5.10 goes to the SBC Cooperative Program—$2.55 goes to the IMB to send missionaries to the nations and $2.55 goes to the NAMB (sends church planters to North America), Seminaries (5), & ERLC (Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission)
- $90 is utilized by Parkway to gather the harvest in Moseley, Chesterfield, & surrounding areas. $7.56 goes to Parkway mission endeavors—MFUGE, Upward, Community Outreaches, various mission projects. $82.44 goes to the operating expenses—the proclamation of God’s Word, children’s & student ministries, collegiate & adult ministries, worship, local missions, CORE ministry training, staffing, facilities, missionary training, etc.
Harvest Offering
The Harvest Offerings are the support for the special needs, ministry, and mission of Parkway Baptist Church. The Acts 1:8 Global Missions Offering, Church Planting Seed Offering, Next Space Offering, and Debt Reduction Initiative are all part of the Harvest Offering. When we give to these special offerings and initiatives we are giving to the Harvest. We highlight these offerings at various times through out the year, and we give to these offerings in addition to our Harvest Tithe. These offerings are not in competition with one another, but are all part of the Harvest. The Acts 1:8 Global Missions Offering and Church Planting Seed Offering supports Harvest going, the Next Space Offering supports Harvest equipping and Harvest sending, and Debt Reduction Initiative supports Harvest sending.
- Acts 1:8 Global Missions: $125,000 per year for the next 5 years
- Church Planting: $100,000 per year for the next 5 Years
- Debt Retirement: $250,000 per year for the next 5 years
The Acts 1:8 Global Missions offering supports all of our missionaries. When we give to the Acts 1:8 offering we participate in Parkway's vision of sending and supporting laborers in the harvest fields.
The Parkway Missions Committee allocates Acts 1:8 funds on an annual basis across several areas which may include, but are not necessarily limited to:
- Supporting Parkway's Primary Partner missionaries.
- Supporting missionary ministry supplies (Bibles, resources).
- Supporting Vision Virginia State Missions offering & Annie Armstrong Offering.
- Supporting missionaries with IMB through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
We are asking God to help us send 20 missionaries over the next 5 years who will plant churches all over the world and labor to gather God's promised harvest.
ACTS 1:8 Supported Partners:
Adam & Vilma Clemmons - Guatemala
Nick & Jem Guarino - Philippines
**Aman and Shanti - India
Mike & Jane Nales - Romania
**Alex & Jenny S. - Central Asia
** Scott & Rebecca Neighbors - NOVA
**denotes pseudonym for security purposes